Saturday, July 31, 2010

Summer Lovin’


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This will be my first blog post on Opened Drawers. I will be talking about beauty and fashion mostly, I will also add a few random blogs to do with, lets say, art for example. Just plain art. I love it. I guess you could say I’m kind of an artsy person, I enjoy anything to do with creativity and innovation. I have been inspired by many other bloggers, and I have always wanted to start my own. I am also very interested in makeup, so I will add some makeup video tutorials. Anyways, back to art: I will tell you a bit about myself. My passion is art…and art… and art… and… art. I am planning on going to University and getting an art degree, maybe even teaching. I have one more year to get my life figured out, and I don’t like being rushed or on a time limit. But, what can you do, right? All I know is that I want to go in the art field, from then on… ha, I have no idea. We will just have to wait and see where life takes me.

For this outfit, I paired my ripped & destroyed denim shorts with my friend’s cute floral tank top (which I LOVE, by the way!). I layered with my new white sheer blouse, which can be very versatile. It could also be worn with leggings, tucked into a flirty skirt, or even used as a bathing suit cover-up. It can be given a harder edge by pairing it with a black leather jacket or a chunky necklace and bangles. I added a cute woven hat (my friend’s from Cuba), to give it a more “beachy” look.

Ripped denim shorts from Sirens, floral tank top from Garage Clothing, Sheer blouse from Sirens, and hat from Cuba.

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